Category: News

Adhesives that Survive Solder Reflow

Those working with semiconductors are familiar with solder reflow conditions.  A PCB containing solder and flux is heated to ca. 150 °C (pre-heat), held there for 1-2 minutes (soak), heated to ca. 260 °C, then cooled. As devices are miniaturized, physical clamps holding and aligning components are increasingly replaced with adhesives.  But solder reflow conditions Read More…

Addison Clear Wave Has Updated Its Photo Nanoimprint Lithography (P-NIL) Resins Brochures

ACW has updated its brochures for resins for P-NIL applications.  The updated brochures include the results of environmental and thermal shock stress tests on resins coated on glass.  The environmental stress tests were 1000 hours at 85 °C and 85% relative humidity.  The thermal shock tests were 1000 cycles of 150 °C for 30 minutes Read More…

High Refractive Index (RI) Resins for Bright Diffractive Optical Elements (DOE)

High refractive index (RI) materials are used for diffractive optical elements (DOEs) employed in augmented, virtual, and mixed reality (AR/VR/MR) devices and optical sensors.  One cost-effective approach for DOEs with high RI is to use a resin that can be processed rapidly by photo nano-imprint lithography (P-NIL) methods.  When the RI exceeds 1.7 at 589 Read More…

Non-Yellowing P-NIL Resin for Diffractive Optical Element (DOE)

Photo nanoimprint lithography (P-NIL) processes are cost effective methods for production of diffractive optical elements (DOE) used in holographic displays.  A limiting factor for this method is the environmental stability of the P-NIL resin.  If the P-NIL material yellows considerably with aging, the DOE with have limited utility.  In automotive applications, for example, the DOE Read More…

HC-6000, ACW’s High Performance Colloidal Silica Hybrid Hard Coat

Are you searching for high scratch resistance protection for your plastic or glass devices?  ACW has a suggestion for you, try ACW’s new hard coat HC-6000.  HC-6000 is a hybrid organic/inorganic hard coat containing colloidal silica nanoparticle dispersion.  The inorganic filler results in low shrinkage and high hardness, and ACW’s expertise provides a fast UV-cure Read More…

Range of Viscosities of Dual-Cure Adhesives for Active Alignment

Active alignment of optical components in cameras and sensor modules has become common practice.  In this method, lenses and detectors are mated with an adhesive in place, their alignment is actively controlled by computer, and the adhesive is set by UV irradiation.  By design, most of the assemblies constructed by this method contain some opaque Read More…

BD-400: Automotive Tough P-NIL Resin

Photo-Nanoimprint Lithography (P-NIL or UV-NIL) is a versatile technique for low-cost nanoscale device fabrication with a wide range of applications.  As automobiles with increasing numbers of detectors evolve, opportunities for P-NIL fabricated lenses will increase.  But, for the automotive industry, P-NIL materials must survive extreme stress conditions required to demonstrate automobile efficacy.  BD-400, ACW’s premier Read More…

Nanoimprint Lithography Resins

UV or photo Nano Imprint Lithography (UV-NIL or P-NIL) is a versatile technique for low-cost nanoscale device fabrication. The precise, direct patterning and repeatable replication of complex three-dimensional nanoscale patterns (submicron, 10’s of nanometers) in a single step make the NIL technique compelling in comparison to other expensive techniques such as e-beam or helium ion Read More…