Category: High RI Optical Resins

Protecting High Refractive Index Nano-Imprint Lithography (NIL) Resins from Sunlight Damage by Hermetic Sealing

High refractive index (RI) NIL resins containing titania nano-particles (NPs) can be used for a wide field of view in augmented reality, virtual reality, mixed reality (AR/VR/MR) devices, but their use is limited by their high reactivity in sunlight.  ACW now shows that sunlight damage of these NIL resins can be prevented by hermetically sealing Read More…

ACW has the Total Package for UV-NIL for AR/VR/MR: Working Stamp and High RI Resins

ACW has been designing, developing and manufacturing imprint lithography resins for two decades, since back when they were known as 2P resins.  Our advances in the areas of working stamps and high refractive index (RI) resins have brought us to the point that we can provide the total package for UV nanoimprint lithography (UV-NIL) applications Read More…

ACW’s UV-Stabilized High RI UV NIL Resins for AR/VR/MR Applications

Addison Clear Wave announces the release of a new family of high RI UV NIL resins targeted for AR/VR/MR applications.  The LuxNIL® U resins exhibit order of magnitude increased UV stability compared to conventional high RI UV NIL resins as evaluated in “sunlight” exposure studies.   The attached whitepaper compares the new LuxNIL® U resins with Read More…

High Refractive Index (RI) Resins for Bright Diffractive Optical Elements (DOE)

High refractive index (RI) materials are used for diffractive optical elements (DOEs) employed in augmented, virtual, and mixed reality (AR/VR/MR) devices and optical sensors.  One cost-effective approach for DOEs with high RI is to use a resin that can be processed rapidly by photo nano-imprint lithography (P-NIL) methods.  When the RI exceeds 1.7 at 589 Read More…

Let’s Be Clear: UV-Curable Resins for Lenses

Clear, Colorless, Hard, High RI Plastic Lenses ACW’s L series are one-component, medium viscosity acrylate resins that cure with UV light to give hard, high RI (n = 1.51-1.60) materials suitable for lenses.  These resins have good depth of cure, permitting production of lenses with several millimeters thickness.   In other applications, L series resins can be used Read More…